Research Interests
I enjoy workin on data and technology centeric problems in education. My research interests include;
- Learning Analytics & Educational Data Mining
- AI Applications in Education
- Human-computer Interaction
- 3D Learning Environments
My ultimate research goal is to design and develop effective technology supported educational tools and methods to deliver high quality and inclusive education for EVERYONE.
Peer-Reviewed / Book Chapter:
- Gul, A., & Uz, C. (2020). Gamification in adult education. In M. Okojie & T. C. Boulder (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Adult Learning in Higher Education. IGI Global.
- Uz, C., & Gul, A. (2020). Investigating the effectiveness of gamification in collaborative learning environments. TechTrends, 64(1), 124-136.
- Gul, A. (in-print). Web accessibility. In G. Yalcin (Ed.), Assistive Technologies for Visually-Impaired Students. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
- Gul, A., Aslantaş, Kamalı, T., Yasan, N., Yurdagül, C., & Yıldırım, Z. (2018). Improving vocabulary knowledge of visually impaired people: A design-based research approach. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(4), 2071–2090.
- Kadirhan, Z., Gul, A., & Battal, A. (2018). Self-efficacy to teach coding in K-12 education. In Self-Efficacy in Instructional Technology Contexts (pp. 205–226). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Kadirhan, Z., Gul, A., & Battal, A. (2015). System Usability Scale: A Validity and Reliability Study. Educational Science & Practive, 14(28), 149-167.
Presentations at National and International Conference:
- Kamali Arslantas, T., & Gul, A. (2021). Digital literacy skills of university students with visual impairment. Paper presented at the meeting of AERA 2021 Annual Meeting (Virtual).
- Gul, A., Aydin, G., Cag, P., & Tokel, T. (2017). Implications of 3D Virtual Worlds for Counseling Services in Higher Education. Paper presented at the meeting of EJER-2017, Denizli, Turkey.
- Kadirhan, Z., Gul, A., & Battal, A. (2017). An Investigation of Programming Education from the Perspective of ICT Teachers. Paper presented at the meeting of EJER-2017, Denizli, Turkey.
- Kamali Arslantas, T., Yıldırım, S., Arslantekin, B., & Gul, A. (2017). The Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Vocabulary Instruction for Visually Impaired Students: Direct Instruction Approach. Paper presented at the meeting of AERA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, US.
- Gul, A., Aydin, C. C., Uzun, C. & Teker, M. (2015). Mixed Method Research Trend in Instructional Technology: A Content Analysis. Paper presented at the meeting of ICITS-2015, Eskisehir, Turkey.
- Gul, A. & Kamali Arslantas, T. (2015). Revisiting Past, Current,& Future of Instructional Theory. In S. Carliner et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2015 (pp. 974-980). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Kamali Arslantas, T. & Gul, A. (2015). Potential Opportunities OpenSim Virtual World Offer for CALL. Paper presented at the meeting of EUROCALL-2015, Padova, Italy.
- Gul, A., Tokel, T., Cevizci, E., & Ergoren. B. (2014). In-service Teachers’ Attitudes towards Using 3D Virtual Worlds as Learning Spaces. Paper presented at the meeting of AECT-2014, Jacksonville, FL, US.
- Tokel, T., Cevizci, E., & Gul, A. (2013). Üç boyutlu sanal dünyalar: Eğitimciler için yol haritası. XIV. Akademik Bilişim Konferansı Bildirileri (pp. 1119-1121). INETD.
- Dalton, G., Gul, A., Kamali, T., Nocchi, S., & Panichi, L. (2015). Virtual World SIG Workshop: ‘Of other spaces’, language learning in 3D Virtual Environments, a critical appraisal. Padova, Italy: EUROCALL-2015.
- Tokel, T., Gul, A., & Cevizci, E. (2013). Üç boyutlu sanal dünyalar: Second Life Çalıştayı. Antalya, Turkey: XIV. Akademik Bilisim Konferansi.
- Gul, A. (2012). Egitimde sanal dunyalarin kullanimi. Ankara, Turkey: Uygulamali Egitim Kongresi.